Agnishatdal Book 10, Durgapuja 2019- Sharmishtha Basu
This quarterly is created by Troy David Loy, it shares some of the evocative and beautiful works of Sharmishtha Basu, the creator of both Agnishatdal and Agnijaat, and among the dearest of friends. She’s a prolific creative who’s full bio can be found near the end of this quarterly.
Agnishatdal is a monthly English eZine created by a group of people scattered across the world, and there’s always something to enjoy each issue.
The works presented in this eZine are copyrighted by Sharmishtha Basu, and her contact information is included with her bio near the end of the book.
It was an enormous amount of fun and a joy to select and arrange the items in this publication. I hope you have as much fun with her works as I have.
Read on, and enjoy!